Nitrous Oxide
Dentist in Wood Dale
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is non-irritating, colorless gas inhaled through a mask. It has been the primary sedative used in dentistry for many years, is safe, and still allows the patient control of their breathing and bodily movements and functions. While not quite causing the gut-busting laughter seen in movies, “laughing gas” may cause you to fall asleep during the procedure and mild amnesia. The level of sedation can be manipulated very easily, and it is quick acting—requiring only 2-3 minutes before taking full effect. And while considered extremely safe, you should discuss any health issues you may have with the dentist to decide if nitrous oxide is right for you.
With the many advances in dental technology, we are able to efficiently provide quality dental care to you and your family by offering sedation dentistry. In addition to eliminating pain during dental procedures, sedation dentistry works for patients with:
- High fear or very sensitive teeth
- Past traumatic dental experiences
- Difficulty getting numb
- A bad gag reflex
- Limited time to complete dental care
With sedation therapy, our dentist can treat even the most anxious patients and often accomplish dental work in one or two visits.